Monday, July 16, 2012

Energies, Shifts, and Restlessness

I have been feeling so strange lately. Not in a bad way, but I'm just super charged all the time. I feel as though I'm experiencing a massive change.
Last night I had the most amazing Tarot Reading. The card representing me was The Sun, and it was being overlapped by The Moon. I think this represents the balance I've been experiencing of Light and Dark. I've been so charged in both areas. It's been amazing. I've been embracing both the light and the dark side of my life.
The root of the matter was Justice, which my eye was immediately drawn to the Scales in her hand and once again the balance that I have been achieving.
On top of that I had three Knights surrounding me. Pentacles, Wands, and Cups (as my final outcome.) I felt these energies were surrounding me and giving me strength. I tend to be a quiet person, but the Knights have been arising in my readings to represent the powerful male energy that has been propelling me forward and balancing my feminine side. The Knight energy to me is very headstrong and fearless, an energy that I could use more of. Seeing it in my reading as a trilogy was very promising and reassuring that these changes I've been experiencing have not just been my imagination.
I feel as though these times are filled with great change. I've heard of others experiencing this restlessness,  sensitives are experiencing the shifting of energies more than others. Now is a great opportunity to really face those sides of you that you are still clinging to and have not yet resolved. It's a beautiful transformation taking place above and below.
I think it is also a time to delve into our creative sides a bit. When I write I can feel myself enter the Flow of the universe and I can feel the energy of source rising within. Exercising our creativity is very similar to meditation. The energies are certainly on high, so I suggest going for it and setting aside some time to work on your own form of artistic expression. It might free some of those blockages you've been holding onto.

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