Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be Like Water

I think one of the things that causes me such distress throughout my path, is that I continue to fight my current situation. I feel as though I'm missing out on something much greater. The truth is that, because I am fighting so much the situation I am in, I am missing out on the guidance from within. I am in such discourse with life, that the real flow that could bring me the happiness I desire, is being missed.
Which is why I am going to try to be like water. I enjoy visiting and choosing one of his Tarot Cards and this is what was shown to me today:

"The figure in this card is completely relaxed and at ease in the water, letting it take him where it will. He has mastered the art of being passive and receptive without being dull or sleepy. He is just available to the currents of life, with never a thought of saying "I don't like that," or "I prefer to go the other way." Every moment in life we have a choice whether to enter life's waters and float, or to try to swim upstream. When this card appears in a reading it is an indication that you are able to float now, trusting that life will support you in your relaxation and take you exactly where it wants you to go. Allow this feeling of trust and relaxation to grow more and more; everything is happening exactly as it should."

I would love so much to feel the currents of life and let them take me great places. I think I'm going to turn my attention to this more. Rather than trying to figure out what better things I could be doing, I'm going to devote my time to simply concentrating on the flow within. I sense that new opportunities would soon follow.

Any advice on experiencing the flow and being like water?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lucid Dreaming

I had a very vivid Lucid Dream experience this morning! It was amazing. I was sitting in my dream with myself and my boyfriend. Literally myself, there were two of me. I could see myself in the dream sitting shotgun in a car with my boyfriend who I knew wasn't really him. Plus I was aware of myself.
Suddenly I'm sitting in the back seat, like the real me, and the fake me is still sitting in the front of the car. I realized I was dreaming. We were driving towards the mountains. I was really trying to stay in the dream, it was just so real that I couldn't believe I was actually still laying in my bed. I tried to pinch my arm, thinking it would prove that I was sleeping. It really did! I realized it didn't hurt at all, but I was still amazed at how deeply I was in my consciousness. I've had brief moments of waking in my dreams, but then either I wake up completely or I go into a deeper dream. This one lasted for much longer.
I tried to stay sleeping, but I slowly rose out of my dream and woke up and then drifted back into another sleep.
Anyway, having the experience makes me wonder what it means. I feel as though you don't just Lucid Dream all of sudden without some new awareness growing in you? Right? Or was it just pure luck and coincidence? I don't know if I believe in coincidence, but I am really grateful for this experience.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Law of Attraction Debate

So there are people on either end of the debate about the Law of Attraction. It's really difficult to define this, as there's no real way to prove something is real or not when it's intangible.
The more I read about it and experiment with it myself, the more I have begun to form an opinion that diverges somewhere in between it being right or wrong.
So first, I will define the law of attraction in my own words. The Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like." This isn't a really good definition though because we all know that "opposites attract." So really what the Law of Attraction is saying is that if you are vibrating at a certain level, then the energy around you is going to take on the same vibration and you will attract more things with that vibration. So, according to the law if you wake up everyday feeling negativity and projecting that, the world is going to show you what you project. (Bear with me as I sort out my thoughts).
The counter argument to that is there is no possible way that every bad (or good) thing that happens in your life is a result of your thoughts and feelings. I totally agree with that, but I do think we have more power and control than we think.
I'm kind of torn between believing "the world is in you" and also knowing that no one would be in a state that could attract the death of a loved one.
Everyone experiences the ups and downs of life, it's a delicate balance that reflects in the yin yang symbol. There's no way around it, there is going to be night and day, black and white, and no amount of positive thinking can change that. We are riding the waves of life.
But with that in mind, there is also a greater picture than that. There is a Spirit, Source, Phi, God, beyond this that is enlightenment and is peace. So what do I think is the ultimate truth?
We have control of this realm (which is both physical and spiritual) in an energy way and in a physical way. (Not scientific terms, but you get the idea.) If I were to physically go out and get a job, and influence my life in a very concrete way, there will be positive and negative affects because of it.
But I also do agree that my energy can influence my life. I can sometimes make something happen, draw a situation to me, with just my will alone. I have experienced that too. But just as my physical manipulation, my energy manipulation will still set a course for positive and negative whiplash. Perhaps it will come at me even faster because energy is more immediate than the material world.
For example, we've all experienced the situation when we are asking a question, or trying to remember a name, or thinking about an old movie, and BAM! The question is answered by someone sitting beside you on the train, or you see the name on a billboard, or that favorite movie of yours is playing on the TV when you get home from work. (This may be a message from the Universe, but there are also circumstances when I know it came from me.) The Universe has spoken to me in this way too many times for me to doubt it anymore. (And if you've been reading my blog you know I'm on a path to stop doubting my experiences.)
SO....after that long, drawn out explanation, I give you the final answer: Both sides of this debate are correct, but I don't think either is a complete idea. The Universe is a complex place, and I doubt I have brushed the surface on what it all really means.
So I think the Law of Attraction is a pretty ridiculous name. It's just a way to try and sound scientific, it's almost trying to be something it's not. (This is just a thought that popped into my head that has been bugging me.)
We are physical and spiritual beings and our physical and spiritual state of being is going to affect our surroundings. Either way, I say take control of it. Empower yourself to be the master of your ship. If you have that, then it doesn't matter was positive/negative circumstances come your way. You're living in your bliss.