Thursday, July 25, 2013

Resting in Being

The initial recognition cannot be forgotten. Recognizing what you are not, causes the rest to fall away and leave what you are. The I AM presence suddenly shines through. Then everything starts falling away. I fluctuate between times of deepening and stagnation. I have entered a time when more is falling away and pure conscious awareness continues to rise within.
It's difficult to truly explain because when you recognize that this cannot be resolved within the mind, you recognize that there is no way to properly describe it. Many "teachers/guides" who whatever they choose to call themselves, like to consider words sign posts, but they certainly are not substitutes for simply feeling the life within and recognizing it as the true self.
Recently I have been going within to really catch every single thing that rises within. Whether it is a "good" feeling or a "negative" feeling I watch it with presence. There's an interesting non-reactive nature when watching or listening to something with pure presence. When relaxing into this feeling, pure joy will rise up within shortly after. The more we bring this into life, the more it becomes a natural state.
Ultimately, I continue to say this: If you are looking to find this, you must be willing to let the "you" that you believe to be you "die." You have to be willing to let that fall away and give that up, to finally see that there was never a "you" to die and that you are eternal. There's no ego in that, there's no false self when you let it fall away and come to the neutral state. Seeing it within yourself and all things leads to infinite depths of pure peace and joy. It's a beautiful world.
Recently I met with my parents. I love them very much, and I can see the pain and the searching. I could see my old self in them and empathize with the feeling of wanting and seeking wholeness. It is not something you can give to someone else, as much as I wish it was.

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