Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lucid Dreaming

I had a very vivid Lucid Dream experience this morning! It was amazing. I was sitting in my dream with myself and my boyfriend. Literally myself, there were two of me. I could see myself in the dream sitting shotgun in a car with my boyfriend who I knew wasn't really him. Plus I was aware of myself.
Suddenly I'm sitting in the back seat, like the real me, and the fake me is still sitting in the front of the car. I realized I was dreaming. We were driving towards the mountains. I was really trying to stay in the dream, it was just so real that I couldn't believe I was actually still laying in my bed. I tried to pinch my arm, thinking it would prove that I was sleeping. It really did! I realized it didn't hurt at all, but I was still amazed at how deeply I was in my consciousness. I've had brief moments of waking in my dreams, but then either I wake up completely or I go into a deeper dream. This one lasted for much longer.
I tried to stay sleeping, but I slowly rose out of my dream and woke up and then drifted back into another sleep.
Anyway, having the experience makes me wonder what it means. I feel as though you don't just Lucid Dream all of sudden without some new awareness growing in you? Right? Or was it just pure luck and coincidence? I don't know if I believe in coincidence, but I am really grateful for this experience.

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