Monday, October 20, 2014

Have I been attacked by a negative entity?

I wanted to write this post based on some personal experiences I've been having lately. I've run into negative entities before, now more than ever I'm beginning to understand that I am sensitive to these entities and somewhat vulnerable just for being a sensitive. Granted, I still don't think there is anything to fear, in that it is more important to focus on oneself and not give the negative entity any power. However, I do think there may be some vigilance required to keep these things at bay. 

I don't believe that they can do much harm, unless you allow them to, but they are also tricky in their methods. Sometimes they can infect our thoughts and make us believe that we are without hope, lonely, or fearful. These types of attacks are elusive, so we do not realize that it is an outside energy that is making us feel this way and in fact it feels as though we are extremely depressed.

I'm not diagnosing all depression as this, however I've found in myself that sometimes these symptoms can come over me without cause or reason. It's important to have someone near you who can help you keep things in perspective. I'm so grateful to my boyfriend for helping me through these episodes. I recently came out of a particularly dark place and I think it had more to do with an entity than my own negativity.

Last month I was attacked in my sleep by a negative entity, maybe a demon, doesn't really matter what you call it. It definitely lingered and I was adamant about it leaving for good. Yet it almost went dormant in our guest room. I say that because intuition told me that it was in that room. I don't know how I know this, but I just do. Yes, I think part of it is still there.

After it revealing itself in a dream, a series of oddly unfortunate events began to occur in my waking life. It was mainly noticeably unlucky things that would happen to me. It was obvious to me that this thing was messing with me and it pissed me off. I felt like it was trying to scare me and I didn't want to let it. Not only that, it was causing some major unrest in my relationship and I felt like it was driving us apart on purpose. 

I came out on the other end okay, things seemed to settle down after I came back from a family vacation to Florida, but something told me that it was laying dormant until I was once again vulnerable. I purchased some white sage, I thought it couldn't hurt to get the last of the darkness out of our place and I had a feeling it was latching onto my boyfriend as well from time to time. 

So I did a smudging with some white sage I picked up. It wasn't my first time smudging the place. I noticed a feeling of dread about that other room though. I knew the thing didn't want me smudging that room, and I admit I entered in a somewhat state of fear. (Not a good idea). I managed to push passed the fear and smudge the room. It was so odd because it's really not a "scary" room and I've entered it before, but I felt like I was being pushed from that room, even before I made my way towards it. It was like I lit the sage and immediately felt this thing in the other room getting pissed. off. Actually, just thinking about it gives me a bit of anxiety.

Not feeling that I should be afraid, and that I should get this thing out, I smudged the entire place and every corner. I felt okay afterwards...not great...but okay. I smudged myself and my boyfriend. I thought that it was on its way out anyway, so I was hoping that would've just swept it away. Boy was I wrong...

The weeks that followed I fell into a deep depression, one that I haven't experienced in a very long time. I didn't actually make the connection between the two occurrences (smudging followed by the severe depression/psychic attack.) However once the connection was made, I knew it was exactly what had happened. I feel like I've come out of the other side fairly okay. Yet I'm pretty sure it has just gone dormant for a while until I'm in a weakened state again. My question to those who have been in similar situation is, should I sage the apartment again? Or is there something more powerful I should try? 

I refuse to let this thing get the better of me, and I'm used to having things come and go. I think perhaps this particular entity is sneaky and maybe able to linger longer because it is in hiding. Now that I am aware of it, I want to make sure it is gone for good. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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