Monday, October 20, 2014

Have I been attacked by a negative entity?

I wanted to write this post based on some personal experiences I've been having lately. I've run into negative entities before, now more than ever I'm beginning to understand that I am sensitive to these entities and somewhat vulnerable just for being a sensitive. Granted, I still don't think there is anything to fear, in that it is more important to focus on oneself and not give the negative entity any power. However, I do think there may be some vigilance required to keep these things at bay. 

I don't believe that they can do much harm, unless you allow them to, but they are also tricky in their methods. Sometimes they can infect our thoughts and make us believe that we are without hope, lonely, or fearful. These types of attacks are elusive, so we do not realize that it is an outside energy that is making us feel this way and in fact it feels as though we are extremely depressed.

I'm not diagnosing all depression as this, however I've found in myself that sometimes these symptoms can come over me without cause or reason. It's important to have someone near you who can help you keep things in perspective. I'm so grateful to my boyfriend for helping me through these episodes. I recently came out of a particularly dark place and I think it had more to do with an entity than my own negativity.

Last month I was attacked in my sleep by a negative entity, maybe a demon, doesn't really matter what you call it. It definitely lingered and I was adamant about it leaving for good. Yet it almost went dormant in our guest room. I say that because intuition told me that it was in that room. I don't know how I know this, but I just do. Yes, I think part of it is still there.

After it revealing itself in a dream, a series of oddly unfortunate events began to occur in my waking life. It was mainly noticeably unlucky things that would happen to me. It was obvious to me that this thing was messing with me and it pissed me off. I felt like it was trying to scare me and I didn't want to let it. Not only that, it was causing some major unrest in my relationship and I felt like it was driving us apart on purpose. 

I came out on the other end okay, things seemed to settle down after I came back from a family vacation to Florida, but something told me that it was laying dormant until I was once again vulnerable. I purchased some white sage, I thought it couldn't hurt to get the last of the darkness out of our place and I had a feeling it was latching onto my boyfriend as well from time to time. 

So I did a smudging with some white sage I picked up. It wasn't my first time smudging the place. I noticed a feeling of dread about that other room though. I knew the thing didn't want me smudging that room, and I admit I entered in a somewhat state of fear. (Not a good idea). I managed to push passed the fear and smudge the room. It was so odd because it's really not a "scary" room and I've entered it before, but I felt like I was being pushed from that room, even before I made my way towards it. It was like I lit the sage and immediately felt this thing in the other room getting pissed. off. Actually, just thinking about it gives me a bit of anxiety.

Not feeling that I should be afraid, and that I should get this thing out, I smudged the entire place and every corner. I felt okay afterwards...not great...but okay. I smudged myself and my boyfriend. I thought that it was on its way out anyway, so I was hoping that would've just swept it away. Boy was I wrong...

The weeks that followed I fell into a deep depression, one that I haven't experienced in a very long time. I didn't actually make the connection between the two occurrences (smudging followed by the severe depression/psychic attack.) However once the connection was made, I knew it was exactly what had happened. I feel like I've come out of the other side fairly okay. Yet I'm pretty sure it has just gone dormant for a while until I'm in a weakened state again. My question to those who have been in similar situation is, should I sage the apartment again? Or is there something more powerful I should try? 

I refuse to let this thing get the better of me, and I'm used to having things come and go. I think perhaps this particular entity is sneaky and maybe able to linger longer because it is in hiding. Now that I am aware of it, I want to make sure it is gone for good. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fellow Sensitives

I'm not sure where this blog post will take me, but I felt an urge to write about something I've recently noticed. I have been able to recognize others as kindred spirits or sensitives. There something about certain people that I can tell either I'm going to be good friends with them, or that they are closer to spiritual awareness. I don't have to talk to them, I can just immediately tell I have a connection with them.

I think in a lot of ways having psychic abilities or any kind of supernatural abilities, can become present simply by acknowledging you have them or by wanting them. For example, I had heard of some people having the ability to see the future in their dreams. I felt that would be an interesting ability to have, so I became determined to develop this ability. Simply wanting this and directing my energy towards it caused me to have multiple dreams that immediately became reality the next day.

This ability actually ended up not being for me and I decided I no longer wanted it. Immediately afterwards, it dissolved and I haven't had one since. The dreams were very jarring and it was even more intense when they became reality the very next day. I felt that I had no use for it, and perhaps I will revisit it again in the future, but right now I'm content without it.

Certain things I choose to not make go away. For example, I am contacted by higher beings frequently, even though that is a very intense experience as well. If I didn't recognize it for what it was, I would probably have a major panic attack, but as it is, I am aware of what that experience is like, so I am able to receive their messages.

Having the ability to recognize fellow sensitives was always there slightly, just as it is possible for any of us, but bringing it to the forefront, wanting to have the ability, and acknowledging that it exists, has made it even more apparent.

What abilities would you choose to have? Make it a conscious choice and believe you have the power to make it happen. You'd be surprised how well this practice works!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Call of the Morrigan, Morgan Le Fay, Morgana
This story is very strange...but I swear it is all true! I have never heard of The Call of the Morrigan until it happened to me and I had to research it further. Most of what I learn is often taken from personal experience and not read from someone else. When I researched this further I found that others have had similar experiences. If this is happening to you, you are not alone!

The Morrigan, is considered one of the Fey, a higher realm beings in Druidic Lore. She is said to be an Irish Goddess of battle, strife and fertility. Sometimes she takes the form of three women, the Mother the Maiden and the Crone. She also has other names such as Morgan Le Fay and Morgana from the Arthurian Legends. You can search online to find other interpretations of her. My personal interactions have been that she is fierce yet kind and motherly.

I can probably write many posts on the Morrigan, both my interactions as well as the history behind this figure. First I will simply start with my meeting.

It all started when I began to notice crows. They are already quite common, so I honestly didn't think anything of it at first. I would notice many at once, in threes or in nines. Sometimes they would perch on a tall branch and stare down at me. It wasn't just their presence, but my distinct sensing of their presence that made me begin to take notice. There was an inner knowing that there was more to them.

My initial understanding of crows and ravens was that they were birds of death and non-existence. They represented the void where life emerged from and death descended to. I felt honored by their presence, they were magic birds and I respected them. It wasn't until recently that they became so much more...

My life took a turn and I was struggling not only with myself, but the external manifestations of my feelings of frustration and restriction. I felt that I wasn't being heard and I was being taken advantage of. This I knew to be false, one can only be taken advantage of if they allow it. It is completely within my control. However, sometimes the mind takes a weakness and runs with it. I was simply bursting with anger and frustration that I did not know how to express.

I heard an inner voice beckoning me to perform a spell. I enjoy magical rituals, I don't follow any specific religion, but I respect Pagan and Wiccan practices and use them as a foundation for what calls to me. Similar to praying or meditating. I simply do whatever resonates with me at the time and am respectful of its origins. I often find myself drawn to Celtic and Irish lore, since I was a child.

I performed a meditation-type spell where I simply asked for guidance, understanding and the ability to rise above my frustrations and empower myself. After performing the spell, I felt compelled to do a quick Tarot reading in the traditional Celtic Cross. It was significant in that I got the Death card as my third card, and also got the Hanged Man. I won't go into detail of the whole reading, but I noticed that on the Hanged Man card there were crows. They caught my eye immediately and I was drawn to stare at them.

In my journal as I was writing my interpretations of the reading I mentioned the crows. In an instant the question came to mind and I ended my journal entry with the phrase, "Who is the crow Goddess?"

In that moment, I heard an odd high pitched moaning outside my window. It was very eerie and I paused to listen. I couldn't tell what it was, and I haven't heard it since. The moan was that of a Banshee, I later learned that The Morrigan is also known as a banshee, which simply translates into "woman of the sidhe" or "woman of the fairy mounds."

I couldn't go to sleep without first looking up who this Crow Goddess was. It lead me to The Morrigan, Morgan Le Fay, and Morgana. The Morrigan is related to "Death" and "Rebirth" and her rituals are performed during the New Moon. I discovered that a New Moon was in just a few days and new I had to do some sort of ritual or offering in order to accept her Call. This ended up being one of the most intense experiences of my life!

If you are interested in hearing more of my story please comment below! I have since had many more experiences that were both eerie and transformative.When the Morrigan calls upon you, you must heed her or risk angering her. I had sense that she was a powerful deity and that she was fearsome, yet I trusted her and knew that her "tough love" was just what I needed. I have never been contacted by a deity that was like her!

If you had any experiences with The Morrigan I'd love to hear how she first made her presence known to you. When she chooses you, she does not make the choice lightly and if you accept, you are hers for life. This is what I have read from others and it has been my experience as well.

Stay tuned for more of my story!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Signs in My Twin Flame Relationship
My Twin Flame and I have been together for close to eight years. We met when we were 20 years old and from the first moment we met, we knew there was an unusual connection between the two of us. Not a connection like he was my best friend or we had the same things in common. This was a connection that had no words.

Seeing your Twin Flame (from my experience) is like seeing yourself in another. It is more like a reflection than someone who compliments you, although in some ways they do. I didn't just have a best friend connection with my Twin Flame, this was a connection I had never experienced before. It was like something in me that I had never seen before was also appearing in another. It was in him too and he felt the exact same way. It was undeniable and yet inexplicable.

To those around us, they could tell something was odd about our connection. My parents have said we have the best and closest relationship of any one they know. (Not that we don't disagree on things and fight) This is something that my father would not say lightly! Haha, he still isn't comfortable with the idea of me being a grown up and living with a man!

Anyway, this was not just the fact that we were a new couple. We spoke about our relationship (and still do!) like we had been waiting for it for a long time. I felt like I already knew my Twin Flame before meeting in this life. We joke how it was almost like we were catching each other up on what had happened to each of us since our last meeting.

My Twin Flame and I both had deeply troubled childhoods. We were both dealing with a lot of severely rooted pain when we met in college and started sharing our life experiences. Honestly, it was like a huge BANG happened in our lives when we met and we went through about a full year or more of accelerated growth and change.

Quickly, we integrated into each other's lives. It was a lot to handle and it was painful at times as we healed each other's old wounds. We were both older than our years, but he was more grounded and I was more off in the clouds. We both had to overcome major coping mechanisms.

One odd thing about both of us, is that we both felt this was our last incarnation on Earth. We felt inherently that we would not be returning for another lifetime.

If you'd like to hear more about our story, please comment below! I'd love to know what you'd be interested in learning about being in a Twin Flame relationship.


Angel numbers 1234
Recently I have been seeing consecutive numbers. For example I would look at the clock and it would be 12:34, etc. I made a mental note after seeing this a few times and decided I would investigate it further. What does this message mean?

I am an automatic writer. When I set aside time to sit down and write, I can usually access my higher self or some of the higher realm spirit guides and receive messages. Yet sometimes, whether I want to or not, I am driven to start writing. I can't control the urge, it consumes me!

This happened yesterday! I was sitting at work and all of sudden I felt this intense energy all over my body. My hand started to tremble with the energy and I knew I had to start writing. My eyes involuntarily flitted to the clock. It was 2:34!

I had since learned that consecutive numbers represent growth and the guidance of the Angels. To me, "Angels" is simply a label for spirits of the higher realms, there are many labels for these beings in all religions. They have not lived on Earth before and they offer a higher perspective and understanding of the universe.

I received a message, that was very special. The main takeaway was that I should begin sharing my experiences again. You'll notice there has been a large break between this post and the last. I have still written much about my experiences, but I had stopped sharing them. I'm not sure if these are helpful to any one, but regardless, I have been guided to share once more with any one who will listen.

I will begin to post some of the recent happenings including my haunting experience with The Morrigan, and other messages I have received. So stay tuned!