MONDAY! I’m so tired physically! I’m not sure why, but I’m especially tired today. I just woke up this morning, wondering when this cycle is going to be over. When this job is going to no longer serve me. I feel and sense that it no longer does. I had so many experiences...more on that later...but I really feel as though I’ve moved on from the job but it hasn’t physically manifested yet and I’m wondering if this means I’m not doing enough to change.
I have received multiple messages of what must be done. Right now I am in a stage of transitioning. I have experienced much of this and it’s just that the physical takes a bit of time to follow. I will tell you what happened yesterday.
My Twin Flame and I took a hike in the woods. It was so amazing. The energies were so perfect, pure, smooth, and heightened. I felt like I was in a vortex of energy. It was amazing. We sat on a bridge and just watched the water pass under our feet. It was so relaxing and necessary for the cleansing. Beautiful!
Afterwards we walked further through the woods and just made our own path. Everything was in divine order, we were just existing and enjoying nature and pure being. There was a moment when we were crossing over one of the many rivers. I looked into the water and I just felt this need to pause. I thought “This river is full of energy and crossing this river is like crossing through a gateway.” I thought about how running water is super-charged and imagined myself passing through a light gateway. Then I closed my eyes and I felt myself in the presence of the many and the essence of the river and the spirit of nature. They were nature beings I suppose. I felt the tears of joy coming down my cheeks. I felt myself being lifted up and also light coming through my crown chakra. I felt this overwhelming joy. I was being enveloped by light and they told me that I was meant to have come to their forest. I was meant to be there, that it was all happening in divine timing and that I needed to have faith. They told me that I was needed there. They told me that I was “exactly where I needed to be.” They were basically just reassuring and cleansing me of any doubt or negativity. My mind was going, but I was rooted in place and I was basking in this glow. It was so powerful, I felt as though I was no longer in my body, the body felt very heavy and distant. Yet I was still in it. I experienced it in the body, and yet I would describe it as an out-of-body experience. I felt very, very empowered. I’m not sure how long it lasted, but my eyes opened by themselves and I was just told to walk and continue.
My body was moving, but I was not guiding it. I was slowly returning back, but my eyes had already opened and my body had already begun to move. I was trying to hang onto that experience and not lose it.
I think that’s why I felt the need to not go to work today. I feel as though I have moved on, but the body continues to go to work. It’s interesting. I can’t say I was resistant to it, because it’s not the same. It’s not the same kind of feeling b/c it almost feels on the surface and not how I really feel. Whereas before, I did feel that it mattered. I do not feel as though it “matters” I just notice there is an inbetween. In other words, the body is acting in the old and the spirit is acting in the new and somewhere between is the mind. It hasn’t completely followed because it is still thinking it needs to go to work, make money, etc. The inner knowing is calm and at peace and I feel very much connected to that infinite peace. Strange right?
I can’t say it’s strange either, the strange is still on the surface and does not really affect me. I can’t really describe it.
I do know that I am kind of operating from the space in between. I have not yet received guidance on what the physical manifestation of all of this will be, however I feel the change is approaching. I did not know what I will be guided to do, however I did receive this message. The Message was from the cards that BDivine read. She said that it is the time for change, that you would need to let go and to cut ties, but that all I needed to do was to cut ties from within and then this would open up the pathway. Whatever way she said this exactly, I began to cry and I knew this to be the truth and this to be the divine guidance. Once I have truly cut ties emotionally, mentally, then it can finally make way for the physical.
This cutting of ties has been going on for some time. I have already lost that roller coaster emotion based on what is happening with my job. I no longer have that. I am not invested in it. When I leave, I do not think about it or worry about it. I just have no desire. She also said, the more I think about it, the more I try to work out what is going to happen and how it is going to unfold, the more energy I am putting towards it. I started doing that this morning, trying to figure out what my next move is going to be. Don’t buy into that. You only need FAITH. That is all. You may have the FAITH that everything is going to work out in divine timing.
Now connecting back to my experience in the woods, they were there to comfort and reassure you. Everything is as it should be. You are there for that message, you are there for many more. You are connected and will always be connected.
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