As I begin to read people, I'm starting to see how amazing every individual is. I can see how we are all very focused on our own current situation, which is perfectly normal and fine, but sometimes we need to step outside of ourselves, to help us heal.
By "step outside of ourselves" I don't mean try to run from our fears, or try to forget who we are. Instead, I'm talking about that constant stream of fear, worry, and doubt that is on constant replay in our minds. If we succumb to these doubts, which are ultimately our ego in "animal survival mode," then we lose sight of the bigger picture.
When I tap into people to read them, the easiest part is feeling their emotion. It can bring me to tears sometimes, not in a bad way, in a good refreshing way. I can sense their energy and it is refreshing to reflect another's light.
There is light surrounding all of you. We are all light beings. Those of us who seek advice from someone tapping into the source, are seeking a higher path. But regardless of whether or not we are able to give the advice that others want to hear, we should really try to give the energy that others want to feel. I hope that regardless of how accurate I was in a reading, that just the interaction will bring someone closer to their bliss. Sometimes just knowing someone listened, or noticed, can help us shift into a higher vibration.
The connections I'm making with others in need of kindness, has been enlightening. It makes me want to shine brighter!
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