I think one of the things that causes me such distress throughout my path, is that I continue to fight my current situation. I feel as though I'm missing out on something much greater. The truth is that, because I am fighting so much the situation I am in, I am missing out on the guidance from within. I am in such discourse with life, that the real flow that could bring me the happiness I desire, is being missed.
Which is why I am going to try to be like water. I enjoy visiting Osho.net and choosing one of his Tarot Cards and this is what was shown to me today:
"The figure in this card is completely relaxed and at ease in the water, letting it take him where it will. He has mastered the art of being passive and receptive without being dull or sleepy. He is just available to the currents of life, with never a thought of saying "I don't like that," or "I prefer to go the other way." Every moment in life we have a choice whether to enter life's waters and float, or to try to swim upstream. When this card appears in a reading it is an indication that you are able to float now, trusting that life will support you in your relaxation and take you exactly where it wants you to go. Allow this feeling of trust and relaxation to grow more and more; everything is happening exactly as it should."
I would love so much to feel the currents of life and let them take me great places. I think I'm going to turn my attention to this more. Rather than trying to figure out what better things I could be doing, I'm going to devote my time to simply concentrating on the flow within. I sense that new opportunities would soon follow.
Any advice on experiencing the flow and being like water?
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