As an Empath, I think I find it most difficult to survive in the average work environment. I had a meeting yesterday and it frazzled me so much, not that anything went wrong, but I got shaky and I just felt so on edge. I think every time I experience how much normal situations affect me physically, it just makes me want to give up all together! I mean, seriously, what person starts shaking when they are just chatting with a small group of people? I mean, my boss was included, but still. It's just not something the average person has to deal with. I feel so exhausted by the end of the day, I wonder how much longer I can keep this charade up! The problem is, I don't have much of a choice...I mean I need to make money to make a living...I don't plan on moving back home any time soon.
As Empaths, I think we need to give ourselves credit for simple things. Even though someone else might think it strange, I really need to reward myself for something as simple as getting my car registered, getting through the grocery store, heck, making a phone call! Everything causes stress to my body, and sometimes it gets too much for me and I want to run and hide. This is because I'm a HSP too...so in case this doesn't apply to every Empath, it most certainly applies to HSP's. I'm learning that not all Empaths are HSPs... (Highly Sensitive).
So what does all this have to do with stars? Well like I said, I made it through a particularly stressful day, and when I got home I just felt like I couldn't go on. I wanted to run from my job and all my responsibilities, yet of course my ego stepped in and said YOU CAN'T! You have no choice in the matter! You have to go to work!
This feeling of being trapped in a lifestyle I can't handle left me in a panic, which it always does. It's like the whole world is falling on top of you and you can't run to avoid it. The truth is, and I can reason this out fairly easily, is that I'm doing fine. Heck, if I don't do fine I'll just get fired. That's the worst that can happen, and then I can just find another job. I'm not completely without resources! Anyway, you've probably been there, I couldn't get past the fear of one more day.
So I laid down to sleep and I said "Help me! Please help me get through this!" I guess I was asking my spirit guides. I called to one named Mariah. I heard her telling me to start walking down the path in my mind that I always go to. It was difficult though, I was in darkness and there was a burning sensation in my stomach from the panic rising inside me.
Suddenly there appeared a star in my mind's upturned hands. It was bright and I could see that it was illuminating myself and the surrounding darkness. I instantly felt better. It was a special star and it led me to my mind's path that I always go to. Once there I could see the night's sky and the many stars dotting the blackness. It was a different kind of darkness.
Now, I didn't have a clear view of everything, but I could tell this star was washing all my negativity clean. It was keeping at bay all those negativity thoughts and I just immediately felt the difference.
I usually don't picture white light around myself. It's not an exercise I normally do. I've actually been told to picture a clear protection so as not to attract the opposite of white light to yourself. (Picture moths to a flame, the moths being negativity) My point being that the star appeared before me as a gift, not my own creating. I think maybe my Spirit Guide put it there to help me clear away all those fearful thoughts that were drowning me. I was able to sleep the rest of the night.
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