I'm not sure where this blog post will take me, but I felt an urge to write about something I've recently noticed. I have been able to recognize others as kindred spirits or sensitives. There something about certain people that I can tell either I'm going to be good friends with them, or that they are closer to spiritual awareness. I don't have to talk to them, I can just immediately tell I have a connection with them.
I think in a lot of ways having psychic abilities or any kind of supernatural abilities, can become present simply by acknowledging you have them or by wanting them. For example, I had heard of some people having the ability to see the future in their dreams. I felt that would be an interesting ability to have, so I became determined to develop this ability. Simply wanting this and directing my energy towards it caused me to have multiple dreams that immediately became reality the next day.
This ability actually ended up not being for me and I decided I no longer wanted it. Immediately afterwards, it dissolved and I haven't had one since. The dreams were very jarring and it was even more intense when they became reality the very next day. I felt that I had no use for it, and perhaps I will revisit it again in the future, but right now I'm content without it.
Certain things I choose to not make go away. For example, I am contacted by higher beings frequently, even though that is a very intense experience as well. If I didn't recognize it for what it was, I would probably have a major panic attack, but as it is, I am aware of what that experience is like, so I am able to receive their messages.
Having the ability to recognize fellow sensitives was always there slightly, just as it is possible for any of us, but bringing it to the forefront, wanting to have the ability, and acknowledging that it exists, has made it even more apparent.
What abilities would you choose to have? Make it a conscious choice and believe you have the power to make it happen. You'd be surprised how well this practice works!