Wednesday, October 10, 2012


This is a good title for anyone who is writing an article about Enlightenment. How do you reach it? Where is it? What is it? These are great questions to ask, but don't ask them of any person, as soon as they start to tell you, THAT'S NOT IT. Catch my drift?
I feel as though the only thing a teacher can ACTUALLY point at, is not how to reach "Enlightenment" or what it is, but simply to point at YOU. That is something most bodies do not want to look at. They will look everywhere else, but within.
DON'T LOOK at YOUR NAME HERE! That's NOT it either. You think, okay, I have to look at myself. Okay, here goes. My name is _____ and I try to do nice things, and I try to be a good person, and everyone always seems to take advantage of me or is really mean to me, but I will just try and be a better person and then maybe good things will happen...
I only say this because of the numerous traps that my mind tried to lead me into. The mind wants to be part of your magical little journey. It says, oh Enlightenment? YES! I want to be that special person! Let's do it! But your mind is not really what leads you there.
Honestly from the perspective "I'm" at now, it seems as though there isn't any real way to exercise your Awareness muscle so that you "turn" Enlightened. The desire has to be there, and the yearning, the discomfort in the body, these will all propel you. But what flicks the switch? Well, YOU, the Utlimate YOU, but what determines this in various bodies? Internally I'm feeling neutral about this. It's almost impossible to say, you may already know inherently that you will turn this switch, and I do believe that "knowing" this, without a doubt, is a sure sign that you will succeed. Eckhart Tolle, an Awakened One without a doubt, speaks of this "deepening" and the pursuit of becoming more present in the body. So the "striving" for this state cannot be ignored or denied.
Back to the Looking Within. If you are trying to resolve all the feelings of hurt, anguish, regret, betrayal, (need I go on?) that has happened to you since childhood, then you are not going to find what you seek. These are all things that might need to be healed. But rest-assured that if you keep returning to these, you will be forever exhausted. There is no "you" to be healed. These things will continue to arise to be "healed" or "fixed." Just give up on them, accept them. It's kind of like trying to kill the evil mushrooms in Mario Bros. You jump on their backs, and walk until they're off screen, go back and they're alive again.
If you keep trying to squish every emotion, you're just exhausting an endless game. Don't feel like you aren't doing it right if you keep getting anxiety, or if you keep experiencing sadness. This isn't YOU and there's really nothing to be done about it. The real Gold is beneath these surface games, once you see it you will laugh, I promise you.
This is why I can say with complete certainty, "THIS IS NOT IT." I urge you to turn inwards. To really go to the source. Then, when you feel guided, certainly read from the true Ascended Masters, but only after you have tasted it yourself. If you don't want to read what someone else has to say about it, that's great too! Because YOU have everything you need within YOU. Your body is the PORTAL, the GATEWAY to the INFINITE and the FINITE. They meet within YOU! Don't seek to entertain the Finite you. This will only prolong suffering. Drop those games and seek higher, deeper, beyond.

This cannot be written...

I spent the last few minutes searching on the internet for something I will not find. Search for the word "Enlightened" and you will find a multitude of self help books. You will find an infinite number of "teachers" and "coaches." There are too many books to read, too many interviews, podcasts, radio shows, blogs, Facebook pages, it is endless.
What I was searching for is not in any of them. When I think of what "I" have discovered, I have to laugh at all of these various techniques, descriptions, sign posts, whatever you want to call them. I even laugh at "myself." All of the countless pages I have written about how "I feel" about something someone said, or something that "resonates" with me. It's all very funny and pointless.
I don't think writing a blog post, posting a video, any of these things, will help you. This blog started out as a place for a sensitive girl to express herself while she began to seek inwardly. (That "person" seems so distant now.) If you are a sensitive person, I do not discourage you from doing this. Now I realize that the sensitivity itself is pointing you in the right direction.
Here's the truth, you will never find it in the material world. Just knowing that this exists is enough. Don't begin seeking and filling your mind with all of these preconceived notions of how it should be.
This vastness exists whether you believe it in or not, you are a part of it. As soon as I begin to refer to "it" I feel like I should just stop myself. I AM, and that is all that matters.
I've realized that this is the ONLY thing worth pursuing. All else is imaginary, all else is illusory because you will never actually reach it. This is the only thing you can actually obtain. There is nothing in the physical world that you can actually "achieve."
I look around and I am not sad, I am no longer frustrated with the world. I am in awe of it, and I wonder how the majority of people aren't pursuing the ultimate. I wish to shake them to wake them up. Haha!
That of course is useless. I can see how these masters, Rumi, Buddha, Jesus, they wrote beautifully, and they wished to help others wake up. Their words are timeless and so eloquent, yet so easily misunderstood by the mind and what it wants to believe. It's not that these "teachers, gurus, etc." didn't try to point the right way. It's just that there is no actual pointing. There is only being. I have to chuckle because I can hear these same phrases coming from me now and I know how they are so quickly interpreted and misconstrued by the mind.
I can see how when I would first read or hear about the Ultimate, I would think I understood it. But this was all on the surface. This is all just an illusion. I had glimpses of it, but I didn't fully understand it. I will continue to understand these concepts even deeper than I do now, I do not claim to be on the level of Buddha or Jesus, because there is a deepening taking place within. Either way I have reached  place where there is nothing to say to describe it, there is no one to ask for help, there just IS.