I just recently came across a notion that I wasn't familiar with before. It's called Twin Flames or Twin Souls. If you haven't heard of it before I will try to briefly describe it without plagiarizing any of the many other websites I have read about it on.
There are two concepts that often get confused. Soul Mates and Twin Souls. Soul Mates are familiar souls in your soul group. These can appear in your physical life as lovers, family members, friends, and other familiars. When you meet a Soul Mate, you can recognize that this is someone you have known before. You feel an instant connection or you feel drawn to the familiarity of their nature. As we reincarnate, we tend to hang around similar souls that are meant to help us raise our awareness and teach us lessons that will help us reach divine oneness.
Twin Souls, are divided from the same soul into two opposites (male and female). But they come from the same soul. Apparently from the one source, souls are divided into groups of souls and then finally in their last division are separate into two halves of a whole soul. Honestly, I can only speak from experience that this is in fact true. Although, I feel there are many variables that are difficult to account for. I will try to give my impression of these in a moment.
Ultimately, you will meet your Twin Soul when you are both on the path to discovery and enlightenment. Sometimes all the variables in the physical realm will not be in place to allow you to be with one another. (I've read this in other descriptions, and it makes sense that even if you do meet your Twin Soul you might not be in the right circumstances to successfully carry out a relationship with them.)
What this post is leading to, is the fact that I've undoubtedly found my Twin Soul. We have been together now for 5 years, but it feels as if we've lived many lifetimes together. This feeling was present since we first spent time with one another. I don't expect you to believe me, at least not when you do not know me or my partner personally. But because this is my blog, I am choosing to divulge this information as I feel it is pertinent to my growth and my life experiences.
Since this post is growing rather large, I want to finish with a reflection on some situations that I don't know if I really have the answer to. Although, because I have experienced this myself (the Twin Flame phenomenon) I have to believe without a doubt that this relationship is true. However, my question is homosexuality. Is it possible for these relationships to result in a Twin Flame relationship? I'm not a closed-minded person, I am in a heterosexual relationship, but I do believe that two people of the same sex can be in love.
Does the Twin Flame phenomenon require that the couple be physically different genders? I have not read anything about this at other websites. Is it possible that they spiritually embody the female and male energies, but do not represent them physically? Or does this situation not result in a Twin Flame relationship and will wait until a different incarnation? I'm not sure...although I still trust in the phenomenon. I will certainly be asking my guides about this one.
Well, in the following posts I will be sharing more on why I am certain I am in a Twin Flame relationship. Although previously I was unaware of this term, despite this fact, my partner and I were experiencing this sensation and awareness prior to coming across this information.
I hope you will find my experiences helpful.